Isn't it refreshing to know there are people like Pat Robertson who is convinced that he is able to scientifically account for catastrophic occurrences such as the current Haitian earthquake? He claims to possess indisputable knowledge that 200 years ago the Haitians made a pact with the Devil to get free of French rule. And presumably in so doing they sold their spiritual souls figuring no negative consequences would ensue.
Well too bad for them - as according to this righteous man of the cloth - what
else could possibly explain the scale of catastrophe befalling the Haitians -
even as I write these words.
Isn't it refreshing that there there is at least one deep thinking,
compassionate, philosophically and spiritually attuned human being like
Pat Robertson who is deftly able to penetrate to the essence of what seems
to be inscrutable to most other "ignorant" human beings like me?
As I scratch my head watching the horrible images of utter devestation cascading
on CNN - identifying with the surreality of a mixture of desperation and and
caring - I struggle to reconcile how an assumed conscious spiritual
force could allow for such a brutal event to be visited on six million seemingly
innocent human beings - yet once again.
But if I simply keep the faith and join forces with Preacher Robertson then my
confusion and fog instantly lifts... His explanation is so obvious - so crystal
clear and logical in its utter simplicity: the Haitians are obviously getting
what they deserve.
His explanation is a formula that combines science and religion. Be righteous and you will be protected by God's grace. Make a pact with the Devil and you will eventually get punished for your sins. And even if it takes two hundred years for spiritual justice to occur - mind you - it will happen.
Oh Pat - how Brilliant! Now why hadn't I thought of that?
Instead my narrow mind associates to the words of Montaigne: "Super-celestial
thoughts breed subterranean conduct."
Woe is me.
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