The most significant issue is the mindset that makes going to war at the drop of a hat utilizing the grandiose mindsets of many 18 -22 year olds brainwashed to believe that war and being a heroic warrior is good for the soul and all the rest. No I am not antiwar if the war is just. There just seem to be too many instances of unjust wars such as Iraq. But to change this particular mindset at the moment is a bit out of reach don’t you think for most individuals?
This brings us back to the concrete problem of waiting too long to be seen by many vets requiring treatment – plus answering the question as to what treatment is best re long lasting, addressing causes, is immediate, and cost effective and can be relatively easily implemented by well- trained first responders including the person who is first contacted. In my not too humble opinion attitudeshifting ranks # 1 of my priority list in meeting these criteria. If anyone has a better prescription I would love to hear about it.
Next point – big pharma is obviously playing an enormous role in keeping this VA crisis hot. Research has indicated –please note carefully – that about 75 perhaps greater percentage of the beneficial effects of anti -anxiety and anti -depression drugs is due to a placebo effect. Placebo effect equals attitude in my research book and experience.
It would be an interesting study – not too difficult to do in a relatively short amount of time – to ask vets who have been treated mainly with pills to comment on their short and long term effectiveness. My bet is not too good. Often the side effects are worse than the symptoms or at least as bad. Now the drug companies do not go out of their way to make this knowledge wide spread or am I missing something.
And who do you think are some of the largest contributors to congress? Here I think is a smoking gun.
Sweet dreams!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!