Martin Bashir - a commentator for MSNBC - "...pulled out the Book of Mormon to condemn Mitt Romney on Thursday, arguing that the GOP candidate is on his way to hell."
The Huffington Post report continued: "Bashir alleged that Romney has lied three times in recent days, speaking about Ted Nugent's endorsement, unemployment under President Obama and a "vast left-wing conspiracy" in the media.
"It doesn’t matter how many times he hears the truth, Mitt Romney prefers to tell lies," Bashir blasted. He repeatedly referred to Romney as "Mitt the Mendacious."
Then, he wondered how Romney would be punished for lying, and whipped out the religious text of Romney's faith.
“In Section 63, in verse 17 of the Doctrine and Covenants of the Mormon Church we find this: ‘All liars, and whosoever loveth and and maketh a lie, and the whoremonger, and the sorcerer, shall have their part in that lake which burneth with fire and brimstone which is the second death,'" Bashir said. "And from the Book of Mormon to Nephi, Chapter 2, Verse 34 we find this: ‘Woe unto the liar, for he shall be thrust down to hell.'"
I can hear the groans of the legions of Romney partisans girding their loins to do battle with such self serving exaggerated claims of self righteousness issuing from the lefts' Obama lovers as if the President doesn't lie on a minute to minute basis worse than Romney could ever imagine doing.
This pushing back strategy is utterly predictable. There is only one flaw in their you think Romney is a liar well think again - he is a saint compared to President Obama."
So the Romney etch a sketch defense is predictable which is to " say whatever to whomever worrying not at all about the flagrant flip flopping to say nothing about wholesale inventions of made up facts presented as if they are divinely inspired words of God because this is perfectly ok and even valued given the nature of campaigns -especially a run for the Presidency - where anyone over 10 years old knows or should know that everyone lies through their teeth to win the election at any price - the Truth be damned. Or in the words of that pithy communist mantra: "The ends justify the means."
But unless I am totally out of reality - whereas President Obama is not exactly a candidate for Sainthood he at least generally says what he means and means what he says . This means he is trustworthy - evidenced by his remarkable consistency.
All Presidential runners are politicians but all politicians are not equal. There are striking differences in character. And Mitt Romney shows that his lofty assertions that he is a man of the people indicates that in his attempt to please everyone he stands for nothing except what he discerns is politically desirable at the moment.
I for one hope that religion will be an active part of this years Presidential contest. I agree with Bashir' inference that that both Romney and President Obama be compared as to how well they meet the test of trust i.e. I say what I mean and I mean what I say.
If this is done objectively I have little doubt that President Obama will easily achieve another four year term. And if so - the American people will have done themselves a great service.
It has been said that "character is destiny." If this is accurate then not only will Romney lose the election- he may - if the Mormons are right - be headed straight ton hell - with no graceful get out of purgatory card free.