Stop this nonsense about Obama care being abominable. The idea that the government is destroying individual liberty by insisting that everyone participate is absurd in the context of every car owner must be insured.
Additionally if the Republicans are so sensitive to government interference with personal liberty they should as a united block vigorously protest the wave of invasive sonograms forced on many women seeking abortions. This is transparent hypocrisy at its zenith.
It is crystal clear that the Republicans will go to any length to give the President a ringing defeat even if it means giving the 'people' a kick in the shins drawing blood.
There is a fowl oder sweeping America. It fills spaces occupied by the insideous laws written and sold to many states by ALEC -"Through the corporate-funded American Legislative Exchange Council, global corporations and state politicians vote behind closed doors to try to rewrite state laws that govern your rights. These so-called "model bills" reach into almost every area of American life and often directly benefit huge corporations. In ALEC's own words, corporations have "aVOICE and a VOTE" on specific changes to the law that are then proposed in your state.DO YOU?"
It spreads its noxious fumes in so called anti fraud laws restricting new voter registration - It masks itself as sweet perfume but stinks to high heaven in the something is Rotten in Danmark and many of the United States bottled as the STAND YOUR GROUND fiasco excusing prejudiced murder and highly endorsed by that champion of freedom the NRA -
Things keep going this way the path is open to a possible civil war in less than 50 years. Amercia is already an armed camp. Let's hope the weather is not too hot this summer.
This fowl order sweeping acroos Amerca should rouse the apathetic among us to wake up before it is too late to push back. We need to heed Jefferson's warning about the vulnerability that Democracy always needs to heed: "ETERNAL VIGILANCE!"