The Republicans are utterly convinced they have an unbeatable issue in hammering home the assertion that the President is over his head expressed as a woeful lack of effective leadership. This attribution is made in the context of their calculated refusal to cooperate with the Democrats joining in on a best for the country policy of principled compromise.
As I read it - what the Republicans and many independents and progressives read as the Presidents' lack of leadership - is a calculated political rope a doping. The President understanding the Republican's transparent games is giving the Republicans plenty of rope to make it crystal clear to any objective observer the obvious cynical obstructionist policy directed to preventing President Obama getting a second term.
Now that the grand diversion of the debt ceiling issue is out of the way, coupled with the latest natural disaster and a weakening economy there is nothing left to face except the calamitous jobs crisis.
Now ever sensible human being appreciates the fact that a meaningful jobs program is going to require a great outlay of investing. This fact means that the Republicans will instantly dis any and all of Obama's promised jobs proposals scheduled for next week. Thus the stage is set for a battle royal determining the real priorities of the country for the next few years: debt reductionand or the implementation of a meaningful jobs program.
The President is hinting that he is prepared to call the Republicans on their accusation that he lacks leadership. This means that his job proposal is likely to be a grand vision, reaching high and deep - one which is highly likely to be opposed at every turn by the Republicans.
Whether they oppose it or not - as soon as it becomes official - there goes the leadership issue out the window.
It also means that the President is prepared to let the American people decide their priorities not the narrowly selfish leadership that is convinced they will emerge supreme.In this connection I find it interesting that many of the Republican running for the presidency despite their anti tax policies are joining together on their anger that the poor are except from paying their fair share of taxes.
So in the spirit of this inspired leadership I propose taxing those candidates who:
Are insufferably boring demonstrating a woeful lack of imagination, vision, compassion,
and humor; demonstrate no shame or guilt in inventing reality with whatever facts they
wish to state to score points for their partisan positions; outright lie, pander, and talkover
other points of view.
I am quite certain that if such a tax were to be imposed it would result in a major
reduction in the national debt.
In the meantime I look forward to the upcoming clash as the Republicans will finally be
on the defensive. Bring it on Mr. President!