by gibbs williams
Member since:
November 25, 2005 REPUBLICAN DELUSIONSOH REALLY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DELUSION # 1 - TRICKLE DOWN REALLY TRICKLES DOWN ["Trickle down economics was a Trojan Horse" David Stockman - DELUSION # 2 - INCREASING TAXES STIFLES ECONOMIC GROWTH - "" DELUSION # 3 - EVERYTHING IS ON THE TABLE EXCEPT TAXES IS STILL EVERYTHING ON THE TABLE DELUSION # 4 - SHARED SACRIFICE EXCEPT FOR THE VERY RICH IS STILL SHARED SACRIFICE "" DELUSION # 5 - ANTI ABORTION LAWS, KILL COLLECTIVE BARGAINING, SUPPRESS VOTER REGISTRATION, CUT EVERYTHING TO THE BONE, VOTE AGAINST ANYTHING THATEVEN SLIGHTLY GIVES OBAMA A VICTORY, is the SURE FIRE FORMULA TO GROW the ECONOMY and will surely lead to job creation and prosperity for all of the American people. "" DELUSION # 6 - IT ONLY APPEARS THAT ANTI ABORTION LAWS ARE THE GOVERNMENTS INTRUDING ON A WOMAN'S RIGHT TO CHOOSE. "" DELUSION $ 7 - TRUE EXCITEMENT IN THIS COMING PRESIDENTIAL RACE WILL ONLY BE GENERATED BY NOMINATING ANOTHER TEXAS GOVERNOR - ANOTHER IN A LONG LINE OF AWESOME AMAZING LEADERS DELUSION # 8 - ALL of the ABOVE IS ABSOLUTELY TRUE BECAUSE IT IS GOD'S WILL. [He personally communicates with at least a couple of the Republican presidential contenders]. "" With wisdom like this who needs government at all? And on a personal note: guns should be made legal for five year old children - you can't start too early to learn how to protect yourself. The motto for this campaign might be:"All for gun and gun for all!" |