Clearly there are at least two different and opposing positions with respect to resolving the seemingly unsolvable debt reduction issue. Each side blames the other failing to reach an agreement. Meanwhile the clock keeps ticking as the country moves dangerously closer and closer to some obvious troublesome consequences.
So aren't both sides equally blameworthy?
The President - speaking for the Democrats - is willing to compromise.The dictionary defines compromise as: " a settlement of differences by mutual concessions; an agreement reached byadjustment of conflicting or opposing claims, principles etc., by reciprocal modification ofdemands." This process of mutual accommodation is not a demonstration of weakness but respect for differing hard nosed positions and perspectives passionately subscribed to by the partisans of each side.
The Republicans are fond of saying that they listen to and obey the will of "The American People." Well I am one of those Americans who agrees with the President's position but is dissed by the House Republicans mainly the so called Tea Party partisans. None of these self appointed standard bearers are listening to me. Perhaps they need to be reminded of the episode that defined them regarding the imposition of taxes without representation.
In this connection the polls of independent voters show a majority siding with the democratic position of increasing revenues along with reducing the deficit by cuts in spending. True to their present nature the Republicans don't and won't acknowledge this discomforting fact as it may confuse their sense of absolute rightness.
From another point of view the Republican House members are collectively acting like a spoiled group of children. They are guided by the pleasure principle: They want what they want when they want it and will tolerate no opposition.
They need to realize that everybody feels the same way - even grownups.
However the difference between grown ups and children is that grownups realize that people often differ with respect to positions held about any issue. Adults understand that to live in a manner so that all might enjoy the fruits of freedom there has to be a spirit of compromise. Isn't that what the Constitution is really about: a spirit of compromise characterized by a hearty respect for differences? A system of checks and balances so that an atmosphere is maintained that is the best one devised by man to make it possible for the greater good to be the highest priority versus a system in which might is right and the rest of the low be damned.
The Republicans preach a high minded game but at least in this crucial issue they demonstrate the truth of Montaignes' saying: "Supercelestial thoughts breed subterranean conduct."
In my not too humble opinion the Republican House Members need to learn how to grow up.