I like the idea and the experience of unity in the context of diversity. Each person has his or her own conception and experience of unity. It is determined by their attained level of consciousness. Conciousness is best conceptualized on an evolving continuum. It ranges from kaleidoscopic consciousness, to symbiotic consciousness, to transcendent consciousness to transitional consciousness to transformational consciousness to ego consciousness to psychodynamic consciousness to synthetic consciousness to ....
There is no getting around the fact that each individual consciously and unconsciously selects what ever data from their own flow of personal experience to be utilized utilized in generating personal meanings.
It appears alltogether fanciful that any of us can seriously entertain the belief that we have a direct uninterpreted connection with an assumed absolute oneness.
Meanwhile we go about our individual lives stumbling and bumbling - occassionally awake, aware, relatively in control of our individual life trips, - until we hit inevitable limitations which we either greet with a sense of challenge or defeat.