Politically I cast my lot with the progressive liberals. While hardly 'perfect' at least they seem to be moving in the right direction despite the transparent cynicism of the Republicans and many Conservative to smash Obama and Company by any means. This is why it surprises me not in the least when their leadership including John McCane, et.a. pander, stretch the truth, and often get exposed as hypocrits. But I generally don't expect such blatant 'negativity' from the democrats in power - they don't have to.
Thus is is sobering to witness the utter contempt that Richard Blumenthal conveys in his pathetic attempts to rationalize his utterly flagrant contempt for the truth.
You got to hand it to the New York Times et.al for wiping away the cliche criticism that they never challenge the integrity of the "liberals". Well they and other did just that in their expose of the 'mispeakings' made by Richard Blumenthal concerning the crucial details of his service record associate with Vietnam.
For decades Mr. Blumenthal has been categorically asserting that he had actively served in Viet Nam when in fact he was only a marine reservist. Ok - a big stretch - but don't all the politicans running for office do it?
But what I don't cotton is his sanctimonious half hearted mea culpa - that all he did was too mispeak a few words. This putting things right talk was in the context of him 'assuming full responsibility' for his inappropriate stretching of the facts. Ok - forgiven and don't do it again.
EXCEPT: and it is a hugh exception.
This self proclaimed man of impeccable integrity went on to push back with: "...But I will not allow anyone to take a few misplaced words and impugn my record of service to our country. ..." He further said that that the error were "totally unintentional"..." and that he had made them only a few time in hundreds of public appearances."
So here again a politican who sets himself up as a paragon of virtue - when the chips are down and he is seen to be only a flawed human being like the rest of us - fails - in my opinion - to follow through - to really show how integrated he really thinks he is - by going on the attack of those who would impugn his integrity by reflecting his calaculated lies in his hollier than thou face.
I would have preferred if Mr. Bluenthal come clean and indicate that he got caught up in the swirl of patriotism and believed accurtaely that he would appeal to more voters if he exaggerated the extent of his service rather than to minimize it.
You know the true character of a person by the qaulity of their choices. If he didn't intend to mispeak then what accounts for the reason that the mispeakings got erred on mulitle occassions. Doesn't he have advisors to deal with these matters. And if he does are they all aks who are afriad to tell him the truth? And if that is the reality of what really is then it is likely to be a part of his character whether or not he owns up to it and is likely to reoccur because people are slaves to their character unless they make an all out attempt to change.
My thoughts about Mr. Blumenthals' pathetic defense is not exclusively directed to him but to the multitudes of our present leadership. He is an example of why I think many of the electorate are hopping angry about the double messaged - hypocritical - politics at its lowest commong denominator pervading our current atmosphere. However it is also true that we the people get who we elect.
If we really don't want leaders who are truly integrated and trustworthy then we have no reason to complain when we get poor results.