Profit is Fine Except for Those Who Don't Profit
If you are an Aetna shareholder who lacks compassion you will love the following headline.
Aetna Forcing 600,000-Plus To Lose Coverage In Effort To Raise Profits . Although the company was profitable last quarter they weren't profitable enough. So their ingenious, creative, and oh so subtle way to increase profits is to dramatically increase the price of medical insurance which they know will result in at least 600,000 people dropping off. And guess who those people are who can't afford the increases.
I imagine that if Aetna actually pulls off this stunt the other insurance companies can be expected to follow suit. Who or what force is there to stop them?
So in this case where the profit motive outweighs the public good then it is time for a change or at least an alterntive for those who can't afford the increases to still have affordable medical insurance. Now this perhaps radical point of view assumes that those in power join the world wide bandwagon to incorporate some sort of public option into their health care plans to able to accomplish this task.
So much for the Insurance Companies. Onto my primary concern: the tyranny of Big Pharma.
As a practicing psychoanalyst for the last forty some years I have had it with the deception of the drug companies (in league with other groups) promoting the false idea that "popping a pill" is the most sensible, medically sound, and cost effective way for people to manage their anxiety, stress, and depression. Logically this way winds up in creating a nation of drug dependent citizens. There has to be a better way. THERE IS!
If any one wishes to explore in detail how such an option can easily be implemented I invite you to a free webcast the detials of which can be found at:
( Hope to see you there, would love thear your feedback, and tell your friends.
Isn't it time for interested parties to push back?