POST # 7
Lucky me, it snowed. Instantly I thought how beautiful the gates would be with the translucent saffron against the pure white snow. Of course this depended on conditions being just right: the sun coming out, there being enough snow on the ground, and my being sufficiently motivated to make the effort to going to the park again.
I got an E mail from a good friend who asked if I had taken pictures of the gates in the snow? I thought I would go Saturday. However, as I had three hours before my next patient I figured why not go now. I associated back to basic training when my physical self had to be ready to galvanize into action instantaneously. Initially I would groan, but once active I would feel a pleasurable aliveness.
It was somewhat difficult to push against the tendency to remain inert rather than to push into action. But I know from past experience the old saying of strike while the iron is hot makes a great deal of sense. I also knew my mood was just right - like the first time I went to the gates.
As soon as I entered the park at 86th street I was enveloped in a Zen like state of consciousness. I could identify with Yeat's' poetic line about the dancer and the dance being one, and Freud's identifying the horse and the rider working in concert.
I am talking about a state of consciousness characterized as integrated, synergistic, wherein I experience myself as a synthesis of all the various channels of communication: senses, intuition, feelings, ideas and an overall unified sense that might best be described as being derived from my soul.
I clicked off photos as if I was being directed from a transcendent/yet deep source that I experienced as simultaneously me and not me. {Preconscious}
To think that this colorful addition to reality will be just a memory in two days is sad but I have captured its actuality in my photos. Perhaps more importantly the presence of this simple pleasure is etched on my being. This two time experience of the Christo's Gates has truly been a meaningful connection for me and considering that I have logged over 5200 hits on the gates photo album in one week I imagine many many others share my experience.
In this connection I invite you to view my two photo albums of the Christo's Gates: and the gates in the snow: